Chapter 194: The Person Who Killed the "Lion" Leaves Indifferently_1

The final verification method had already been employed on the spot, and it was the Liu Family's butler himself who opened the Pill Furnace.

Throughout the process, he did not touch it with his hands, using only a tiny stream of True Qi. There was no possibility of replacing the medicinal materials or turning them to ashes.

Dead silence!

The entire examination hall was enveloped in dead silence.

The scene unfolding before everyone's eyes was undeniable proof that Fang Ren had successfully refined an Upper Level fourth-order elixir in 14 minutes and 36 seconds.

When Butler Liu witnessed this scene, he too gasped in shock. To tell the truth, when he stepped on the stage earlier, he had never imagined that Fang Ren could actually refine a fourth-order elixir.