Chapter 196: Rumors Are False_1

As the conversation between the two came to a close, the five old men who had just entered through the door were all stunned. Especially Butler Liu, Housekeeper Wang, and [the third steward], who after hearing that sentence, all felt a pang in their hearts.

Old men...

Was the princess reproaching them for the scolding they had given her before, or had she truly forgotten to use True Qi to soundproof the room?


Seeing the awkward situation, Housekeeper Wang quickly coughed twice and laughed, "Brother Chen, Brother Lin, have we come at a bad time?"

Butler [Cao] too awkwardly laughed, "Indeed, a young couple is dining; for several old men like us to crowd around doesn't seem quite appropriate."

Butler Liu, feeling helpless, shook his head and walked over to Bai Qi and Fang Ren, slightly bowing as he said with a smile, "Princess, Young Master Fang, we old men truly had offended you earlier..."