Chapter 199: You Can Choose Not to Meet_1

In the clouds above, twelve young people dressed in white-edged blue dao attire were circulating their True Qi to propel the flying swords beneath their feet towards the city's sky.

"Big Brother, what's the purpose of the task Master has given us this time?" a man standing on a flying sword asked through True Qi transmission, "And who were those people with the Void beast that came to see us earlier? They seem like a bunch of mortals engaging in scientific research."

"I also find this matter quite incomprehensible," said a purple-haired girl dressed in a blue dao robe with white trim, "Why would father want us to take this Void beast to the final stage of the Alchemy competition, and he even specially instructed that this Void beast will become a major strength for our side."

The purple-haired girl who spoke was one of the two leading the group of twelve, with a beautiful appearance and an ethereal temperament.