Chapter 375: Liu Qianqian's Breakthrough_1

Liu Qianqian, who was sitting quietly in her room cultivating, belonged to the third category of people. While Jiang Ling was very powerful, she wasn't at a point where she found it unacceptable.

Although she didn't possess the formidable strength of Mu Huanqing, she had a talent that could turn everything upside down. Perhaps in the eyes of the masses, the fact that Fang Ren could cultivate to the Peak of the Blue Sky Realm in less than three months was a one-in-a-billion occurrence. Then, how should one describe Liu Qianqian's talent?

Half a month had passed since Fang Ren fed her that fruit, and now, in just half a month's time, she had cultivated from an ordinary person to the same Early Stage of the Blue Sky Realm. Although she was still in the early stages, there was no doubt that given another two months, she would far surpass Fang Ren by a great margin.