Chapter 383: Bai Qi is Captured_1

On the morning of the next day, Fang Ren awoke from his cultivation practice, noticing almost no change in his realm. It was as if he had reached a bottleneck, stuck at the Peak of Azure Sky, unable to advance further.

With a somewhat depressed mood, Fang Ren opened the window and looked out at the sky, observing the sun that had not long since risen. By this time, the number of Tianjiang City's patrolling soldiers had decreased significantly, probably having combed through Tianjiang City the previous night without spotting any suspicious characters.

Fang Ren then turned to glance at the Void Hole in the sky and yanked little Qianye over, saying, "Qianye, sense again. Have those Void beasts up there left?"

Little Qianye blinked and replied, "The number increased by three thousand, hee-hah."

"Increased?" Fang Ren was startled. "Are you sure you're not mistaken, kiddo? It's over three hundred thousand! And it's still increasing?"