Chapter 300: The Small Room Inside the Submarine_1


At the edge of the distant horizon, darkness loomed, and the low rumble akin to thunder continued incessantly. The battlefield between humans and the void beasts had already spread to the central North Sea.

At this moment, Jiang Ling and the Commander-in-Chief, Xia Mo, still locked in aerial combat above the Central Area, were able to sense the intense foreboding presence through their exceptional perceptual power.

"Jiang Ling, if you continue to fight so stubbornly, half of the Tianjiang population will die a wrongful death!" Xia Mo, cloaked in light and shadow, bellowed.

Every attack from Jiang Ling was desperate, forcing him to defend with all his might. It was precisely because of this that, within less than half an hour, both of them were already covered in wounds.