Chapter 307: Principles Can't Stand Up to Her Willingness_1

Over the sea, Liu Qianqian carried Fang Ren on her back, flying towards a safe place. The sky behind them was pitch dark, marking the large battlefield where humans and Void beasts clashed, the rumbling sounds echoing incessantly in her ears. Yet all of her attention was focused on the boy on her back.

"What's wrong with you? What did they do to you?"

Confronted with Liu Qianqian's question, Fang Ren's response was nothing but rapid gasps. His mind was in chaos, unable to formulate any words.

With each gasp, Liu Qianqian's heart grew more anxious.

She couldn't feel any True Qi in Fang Ren and even suspected that his meridians had been destroyed by that group of people, but why would they do such a thing? Simply because Fang Ren was with Mu Huanqing?

And what about Bai Qi? Why was she also locked in the same room with Fang Ren?

As they neared a landing spot, Fang Ren, lying on Liu Qianqian's back, instinctively began to stir.