Chapter 315: The Center of Attention_1


"It's a Level Nine Void Beast!"

"In the rear of the Area Two Battlefield! Array Masters, pay attention to the defense at the back!"

"No good! We're short-handed! The Array Masters from Area Two have all gone to support the top!"


With the sudden arrival of a humanoid giant beast wielding a battleaxe at the rear of the battlefield in Area Two, the scene immediately became chaotic.

Even though this was the central battlefield where Eighth-order Void Beasts were rampant, the appearance of a Level Nine Void Beast, which could only be suppressed by an Anti-Void Array, was truly rare. Moreover, if one or two Level Nine Void Beasts were to appear here, they would only be at the periphery of the defensive formation because that's where the Black Snake was located. It was expected that Level Nine Void Beasts would choose to protect the Black Snake.