Chapter 317: Killing Intent Everywhere_1



The Ninth-order Void Beast that the two of them had suppressed had now become enraged. After all, it was a king among its kind; when had it ever suffered such humiliation?

As the giant beast flew into a rage, the battleaxe in its hand began to shed a layer of black rock. As the rock fell away, large swathes of lava began to flow out from the battleaxe.

Following that, the beast swung its arm, and the battleaxe cleaved through the sky. Lava flung from the battleaxe soared over a hundred meters, heating the surrounding air searingly hot, and instantly the previously dim sky turned a deep crimson.

"Brother Fang, let's step back!"

Seeing the large expanse of lava dancing in the air, Xu Feng and Fang Renran immediately retreated. The power of the Ninth-order Void Beast was extraordinary, and standing their ground was not a wise choice.