Chapter 113: I'll figure it out in no time

The cave still harbored that sinister energy, and after Song Yin threw a punch, he headed straight into the cave.

The three exchanged glances and then entered the cave as well.

This was different from the encounter in the Xumi Vein with the Duo Shen Sect, the cave wasn't as narrow, but rather deep and wide, becoming spacious immediately after the small path at the entrance.

For some reason, the Duo Shen Sect they encountered always seemed to prefer living in caves.

As the group barely emerged from the path, their figures abruptly came to a halt.

Human skin, human skin, human skin!

Around the rocky walls, human skin was hung everywhere!

There were skins of men and women, thin and fat, beautiful and ugly, even the skins of children, and beneath these skins on the ground lay piles of clothing, luxurious and tattered alike, all covered with dust from lack of cleaning.