Chapter 715: Chaotic Court

The doorway before them, in actuality, had no doors; the pillars on either side twisted and spiraled up into the heavens. Though the columns appeared normal, there was an underlying distortion as if staring at them too long would draw one into an endless spiral, forever lost within the pillars themselves.

Besides this, the pillars emitted an endless slaughter, endless pestilence, and endless desire in addition to the infinite spirals.

The intertwining of four corrupt forces made these seemingly finite pillars profound and eerie, as though stepping into them would transport one to a foreign realm, never to return.

Song Yin was the last to arrive here.

He had located the source of the Wealth and Power Clan's Demonic Path and eradicated it, reducing it to a black spot.

He did the same with the source of the Demonic Path of the Peddling Path.