Chapter 62: The Legendary Tier

"Who took action? Is there any news?"

Fang Wang frowned as he asked, hearing about Zhao Zhen's unfortunate encounter, he didn't feel elated; instinctively, something felt amiss.

Fang Hanyu shook his head, saying, "It's precisely because there's absolutely no clue that it could only be the work of the Cultivation Sects, and currently, the Nine Great Sects are planning to transform Grand Qi into a Cultivation Dynasty, needing stability in the kingdom. Why would they commit such an act? It can only be the work of Cultivation Sects from other kingdoms."

"If we really have to say it's the work of someone from within Grand Qi, then it could only be the Jin Xiao Sect; the Jin Xiao Sect has a mysterious origin, moves unpredictably, and it's hard to discern between its righteousness and evil."

The Jin Xiao Sect?

Fang Wang suddenly felt it was possible. Could it be that Zhou Xue made a move?

That's right, previously Zhou Xue said that once she returned, she would deal with Zhao Zhen.