Chapter 72: The Third Lifespirit Treasure [Seeking Monthly Votes]

Sword Saint is expecting me?

Fang Wang was secretly surprised, debating whether to reveal his identity outright, but then he recalled Zhou Xue's words. Zhou Xue had instructed him to hide his name and identity, certainly with good reason.

On the next part of the journey, the man in yellow chattered incessantly. At first, Fang Wang thought the man was intentionally giving him tips, but he later realized he was just venting his complaints.

After the time it takes an incense stick to burn.

Following the man in yellow, Fang Wang arrived at a pavilion by the lake, where the waters were densely covered with lotuses, and mist veiled the scene, giving the impression of a fairyland.

"This lake area possesses a natural Heavenly Dao Spiritual Vein hidden deep underground. The Sword Saint used a Sword Array to draw it to the surface. You can perform your Spiritual Refinement here and stay as long as you like," he said.

Having spoken, the man in yellow turned and left.