Chapter 76: As Sword Intent Emerges, Heaven and Earth Fall Silent

"Equivalent to which level of the Condensation Spirit Realm?" Fang Wang asked, his tone carrying a hint of expectation.

He had been holding back for too long and wanted to let loose!

It just so happened that the person before him was his new master's nemesis; there would be no injustice in killing him!

The Sword Saint furrowed his brow and said, "Roughly equivalent to the fourth or fifth level of the Condensation Spirit Realm, disciple. Do not act rashly. Although you have already grasped the Celestial Sword Intent, it is precisely because your talent and comprehension are so inconceivable that you need to be even more careful in your actions. As long as you stay alive, the heights you will reach in the future are far beyond what you can currently imagine."

By the end, due to being too agitated, he couldn't help but start coughing again.

Fang Wang could only relent, saying, "Alright, Master, I'll listen to you, please don't worry."