Chapter 99: Time for a Massacre! [Third Release, Seeking Monthly Votes]

"Xiao Zi, speed up. Don't make me the last hero to appear," Fang Wang urged. His eyes were fixed ahead, where roiling clouds foreshadowed an impending storm.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Zi immediately accelerated.

Being a Demon King, Xiao Zi's full-speed flight was incredibly fast.

Through his senior disciple token, Fang Wang could calculate the distance to their destination. Judging by Xiao Zi's speed, it shouldn't take too long.

The fact that Great Abyss Gate had to send so many disciples for reinforcements indicated the immense scale of the battle. Considering the involvement of the Tian Shu Sect, the Suspended Vast Sword Sect, and the Chi Devil Sect, it was certain to far surpass the battle at Green Cicada Valley. Therefore, Fang Wang hadn't rushed ahead; he needed to conserve as much spiritual power as possible.

Fang Wang's gaze deepened, his eyes seeming to traverse mountains and rivers to witness the battlefield where forces of good and evil clashed.

