Chapter 303 How Many Years Have We Not Joined Forces_1


Amid the chaotic golden energy waves, the female ghost screamed with all her might, her voice filled with pain.

Beset by demons, Fang Wang lifted his eyes; they were so cold. Yang energy blazed fiercely all over him, incinerating the demons clinging to his body to ash.

Behind him, the Town World Bead continued to voraciously devour everything within heaven and earth, causing the Unrighteous True Buddha's Celestial Qiankun Totem to begin collapsing.

Fang Wang looked toward the distant Unrighteous True Buddha, lifted the Heavenly Palace Halberd in his right hand, and pointed it at Unrighteous True Buddha.

"Is this the power of Celestial Qiankun?"

As Fang Wang's voice echoed, nothing in the world could drown out his words.

The Unrighteous True Buddha did not get angry; instead, he laughed eerily. He lifted his left hand high above his head, and statues from afar rapidly flew toward him, pressing into the palm of his hand as if a mountain were growing larger.