Chapter 4 Basic Martial Arts Mastery_1

The two old donkeys, one in front and the other behind, quickly left the town.

Chen Ji had a solemn expression as he lowered his head.

He didn't expect Shen Yi to really agree to leave town, let alone bring him along unexpectedly.

This should have been good news, but...

Chen Ji looked back and saw Officer Shen riding the donkey, flipping through a martial arts manuscript with relish.

According to previous practice, they would be tasked with buying some good wine and meat before dealing with demons, a custom referred to as "courtesy."

Chen Ji always felt gloomy about this, finding it quite displeasing.

Yet, going empty-handed today made him worry that if they couldn't subdue those two demonic beasts, it wouldn't take long for the several hundred households in Liulimiao Village to be devoured.

"Why keep looking back? Focus on leading the way and don't envy my handsome face," said Shen Yi.

Shen Yi briefly finished flipping through the manuscript and slowly closed it.

Two more lines of text had appeared on the panel.

[Cloud-Dispersing Long Fist (Uninitiated)]

[Serpentine Eight Steps (Uninitiated)]

One set of fist and palm techniques, one set of lightness skills, in addition to the previously learned Demon-subduing Sword Technique.

These were all the martial arts passed down by the Demon-suppression Marshal.

If he could train all three techniques to the Minor Achievement Realm, he would have the ability to handle some minor demons.

Shen Yi didn't hesitate and started to pour the remaining demonic lifespan into the lightness skill he lacked most.

After all, no matter how sharp the blade, it was useless if he couldn't catch up to his target.

[With your profound foundation in martial arts and strong physique, it took only one year to initiate into Serpentine Eight Steps]

[In three years, your movements became increasingly elusive, achieving Minor Mastery in your lightness skill]

[After six years, Serpentine Eight Steps became an innate part of you, reaching the Great Achievement Realm]

[In the eleventh year, your presence was like a phantom, your moves formless, your lightness skill was perfected]

[Remaining demonic lifespan: Twenty-five years]


Shen Yi felt the changes in his body and was somewhat surprised.

The actual progress of infusing lifespan into martial arts seemingly took into account his current physical condition.

It's known that learning comes easily with interest, and for an old martial artist addicted to the sword, training in martial skills was naturally much faster.

He subconsciously adjusted his posture on the donkey, feeling much lighter, as if he could dash three to five yards in one step.

Too bad there was no chance to try it out now.

Shen Yi refocused, channeling the remaining demonic lifespan into Cloud-Dispersing Long Fist, and while pushing forward with his martial arts, he hoped to gain further insights into the "Initial Realm."

However, this time the result was somewhat disappointing.

[Though you aren't adept at fist and palm techniques, after eighteen years of hard work, you still managed to punch like thunder and split stones with your palm, bringing Cloud-Dispersing Long Fist to perfection]

[In the twentieth year, you made no progress and fell into confusion, feeling like you were wasting time]

[In the twenty-third year, you started to doubt yourself, as the perfection of the fist technique seemed to be the limit]

[In the twenty-fifth year, after years of contemplation, your understanding of fist and palm techniques improved, and your talent in them increased]

Having exhausted all the demonic lifespan, the gains were all displayed on the panel.

[Cloud-Dispersing Long Fist (Perfected)]

[Serpentine Eight Steps (Perfected)]

[Fist and Palm Mastery: Reduces the time needed to practice fist and palm martial arts, increasing chances of enlightenment]

Besides two perfected martial arts techniques, he also gained something akin to a talent, yet there was no news of the "Initial Realm" that Shen Yi wanted.

He glanced up slightly, "Considering the time, isn't the Demon-suppression Bureau due for an inspection of our county soon?"

At these words, Chen Ji, who had been concentrating on leading the way, shuddered slightly and a complex look flashed in his eyes. He didn't look back, "Reporting to the officer, it should be in about a month."

He understood all too well that this was Officer Shen's way of reminding him.

The entire Baiyun County Office was in collusion, and the most urgent task at hand was to get through the Demon-suppression Bureau's inspection, ensuring that they present a peaceful and harmonious report to the Imperial Court.

Should there be any error, at least half of them would have their heads displayed at the market entrance. Among them, the most youthful and handsome one would undoubtedly be Officer Shen's.

No wonder his opponent had acted out of character today; he had been waiting here for him.

If there was one person in the county office who truly hoped for the arrival of the Demon-suppression Marshal, it could only be Chen Ji, who earnestly wished... that the Imperial Court would brutally execute Shen Yi.

If it weren't for the other party's deception, the office couldn't have kept the news under wraps, and the Demon-suppression forces should have taken control of this place and swept clean all the demons around!

"A month, huh?"

Shen Yi massaged his temples.

According to memory, he was nothing but a minor official, without the qualification to communicate with the Demon-suppression Bureau.

If he wanted to access higher martial arts, he could only obediently wait.

Would he have a chance to join the Demon-suppression Bureau if he could fully step into the "Initial Realm" within a month?

The lifespan of the demonic beasts was still not enough!

Amidst drifting thoughts, two old donkeys came to a halt in front of a ridge.

Shen Yi looked towards the dilapidated temple on the hillside, with its exposed deity statues covered in straw and a shrine that had collapsed halfway, overgrown with wild grass.

The farmers had grown too lazy to even worship the gods, which spoke volumes of the resentment in their hearts.

"Officer, this way."

Chen Ji secured the old donkeys and extended his hand to point in a direction.

Both men quickly crossed the field ridge, while a group of ragged farmers stood scattered in the distance, their faces withered, watching listlessly as they came by.

Upon seeing the dress and attire of the two men, they squatted back down; they had no cries of injustice or pleas for help. They knew all too well who was responsible for their suffering.


Chen Ji, feeling the gaze of those in the distance, his somewhat green face betrayed a hint of shame.

Upon seeing Shen Yi's calm demeanor, as if nothing mattered, that shame turned into resentful anger.

He adjusted his hat to cover most of his face, "It's this family. They were nighttime attacked by the progeny of King Yellow Hide... You'll understand once you go in."

King Yellow Hide was no weasel.

Demonic beasts also had their hierarchies, mostly linked by bloodlines, each establishing their own domains and crowning themselves kings.

Different domains had different demands on Baiyun County; some wanted fresh flesh, some desired beauties, and others fancied precious treasures.

Among them was a nest of Canine Demons, which had the closest relationship with Shen Yi.

The leading demon was an old yellow dog, who called himself King Yellow Hide.

"Open the door."

Shen Yi gave a small nod.

Chen Ji pushed open the wooden door, only to see a narrow room filled with a sickening dark red.

The room was dim, the table held neatly stacked dismembered torsos, while the overflow was skewered on straws, hanging from the beams above.

A Dog Demon sat on the edge of the bed, holding a thigh in its hands, emotionlessly chewing on the rotting flesh.

It had a sharp gaze, like a loyal watch-dog.

Upon seeing who had come, its eyes softened slightly, "I was wondering who it was. Why are you here?"

Shen Yi stepped into the room, overwhelmed by the putrid stench, and scanned the surroundings.

Chen Ji had already witnessed this horrendous scene once before but upon entering the room a second time, beneath his hat, his face distorted slightly and his hand gripping the sword hilt trembled uncontrollably, unintentionally drawing the blade out three inches.

His talent was exceptional, and in just three years, he had brought the martial arts passed down by the Demon-suppression Bureau to the Minor Achievement Realm, giving him the credentials to confront the Dog Demon, with a good chance of a pyrrhic victory.

The reason he managed to hold back his killing intent earlier and report back to the office was firstly for the sake of his sister at home, and secondly, because he couldn't overcome King Yellow Hide, who stood behind the Dog Demon. A rash move could have brought even greater calamity.


At that moment, a strong hand silently extended to help him push the long sword back into its sheath.

Chen Ji snapped back to reality, staring intently at the profile of Shen Yi, wondering how he would handle the situation.

No matter how callous the man was, seeing one's kin being devoured should, to some extent, elicit some emotion.

Within his sight,

Shen Yi finally turned to the old dog, his eyes showing neither sadness nor joy, mouth curving into a smile, revealing stark white, even teeth. He laughed.

Seeing this, Chen Ji's heart rate gradually slowed, and he lowered his gaze in disappointment, unwilling to listen to the exchange between the two any further.