Chapter 6 Put the Knife Down_1

On the way back to the city.

Chen Ji rode a donkey, following behind, and stared at the upright figure in front of him, feeling that something was off.

Normally, even if Shen Yi just passed by the doorway, he would be eager to fleece the common people, taking away their silver, food, and drink, and he wouldn't even spare other men's daughters.

Having personally slain demonic beasts today, how good an excuse was that, yet he just left so lightly?

Moreover, previously at the farmer's house, even though it was a sneak attack, how could someone whose body was hollowed out by alcohol and lust, who would pant after running just a short distance, stab the Dog Demon so effortlessly, leaving it without the strength to fight back?

Chen Ji questioned himself, if he were sitting beside the Dog Demon instead, he likely couldn't have done it so neatly.

He thought back to the way Shen Yi casually flipped through the martial arts manuals.

He hesitated before opening his mouth to ask, "Does Officer Shen also take an interest in the Demon-suppression Bureau Martial Arts?"

Upon hearing this, Shen Yi turned his head and looked at the boy's conflicted expression, and he remembered how reluctant the other had looked when handing over the martial arts manual in the station.


He was somewhat speechless, took out the martial arts manual, and threw it over: "I was just looking, here, it's yours again."

"I didn't mean that…" Chen Ji caught the manual, instinctively explaining, "I have some understanding of these three moves, if Officer Shen is interested, I could..."

His voice suddenly stopped.

Chen Ji furrowed his brows abruptly, not understanding why he would say such a thing.

He knew that one important reason he had worked hard to learn martial arts was to use the saber in his hand to chop down the beast in front of him, so how could he possibly want to share his martial insights?

He really had changed!

Since the contact this morning, Shen Yi seemed like a different person, with every action surprising him.

Could it be that the other party had realized his conscience and decided to change his ways and start anew?

"Tie up the donkey well, and also deal with the demon's corpse."

Having returned to the government office, Shen Yi stood at the entrance of the station, his face showing a bit more weariness.

Having had his hands stained with fresh blood for two consecutive days, although it was monster blood, he still wasn't quite used to it.

Luckily, his predecessor was a rascal of a government officer, who didn't have much official business to tend to on a regular day. Just sitting in the station once in a while like Shen Yi did would earn him praise from others as hardworking.

He moved his body slightly, and then stepped inside.

"Big Boss Shen, you're so early today?"


Shen Yi glanced at the scorching midday sun overhead and slowly shifted his gaze back to the few men in front of him.

This shameless liar was named Zhang Dahua, who was highly valued by his predecessor, tasked with all kinds of dirty and hard work, and was considered a confidant.

Plus the few men behind him, they were all the followers under Shen Yi's command.


Shen Yi nodded and continued walking into the building.

From the actions of his predecessor, it was clear that these lackeys were no good people – aside from bullying the kind and indulging in pleasures.

In terms of combat skills, with the advantage of an official saber, they could bully the ordinary folks, but against demonic beasts, they were virtually useless.

Shen Yi had no interest in chatting idly with them.

Just as he walked past them, Zhang Dahua swiftly followed, with an air of seeking praise: "Big Boss Shen, I've taken care of the thing you asked for."

"What thing?" Shen Yi was slightly taken aback.

"It's about using that kid's sister to fill the quota for the Liu Family's daughter," Zhang Dahua put on a pitiful face, "You have no idea, with the situation in our county, every family hides their daughters away. To gather the number you wanted, the brothers nearly ran their legs off these past few days."

As he spoke, he grinned, "After arranging things a bit, we sent that kid to Liulimiao Village. Don't worry, he won't be back for ten days or half a month."

As his words fell, Shen Yi's heart felt a slight heaviness, and he suddenly remembered something.

Just then, a thin figure also stopped at the entrance of the station.

Chen Ji removed his bamboo hat, his gaze dead still, and quietly lifted his head to look towards the crowd.

The next moment, with a self-deprecating look in his eyes, the knife at his waist sang out of its scabbard!

"Bullshit about turning over a new leaf, bullshit about starting anew."

A beast is a beast after all!

"Damn, why did he come back! Protect Officer Shen!"

Zhang Dahua cried out in alarm, and along with the remaining six government officers, they each drew their swords, and haphazardly stood in front of Shen Yi.

"Chen, you've got some nerve! How dare you draw your sword against the boss inside the government office, if you want to live, put your sword down immediately, do you hear me!"


Chen Ji looked at them, clearly outnumbered, yet his eyes were filled with disdain.

After his arduous training in the Demon-suppression Bureau Martial Arts, this bunch of chickens and dogs weren't even worth his time.

In an instant, Chen Ji fiercely took three steps forward.

Zhang Dahua, although wary of the other's reputation as a martial arts prodigy, relied on their superior numbers, and a trace of ferocity appeared on his face, "I've been wanting to put you, this bastard, in your place for a long time, and now you dare defy us, seeking death."

Though the government officers had no real martial arts skills, the seven shining steel swords they slashed out together still looked quite intimidating.

Yet Chen Ji didn't even glance sideways, and with a casual swing of his official blade, he easily blocked their assaults.

Zhang Dahua was in his prime, tall and sturdy, bullying peddlers and catching chicks with as much ease as pinching and grasping; now, with both hands on his sword, even the tip of his nose sweated, but the long sword he swung could not press down even an inch further.

The next moment, Chen Ji swung his sword again.

The keen silver light flashed, and the crisp sound of clashing metal sang out as seven steel swords simultaneously snapped.

The government officers staggered back, holding their wrists in horror, the enormous force transmitted through the hilt of the swords far exceeded their expectations.

"Ah... ah... protect Officer Shen..."

Zhang Dahua knew that the opponent was a tough match, but he hadn't expected him to be this terrifying; his voice became much shriller as he howled and retreated further back.

Chen Ji didn't continue the pursuit but walked at a measured pace to the last person, his expression indifferent.

Shen Yi stood with his hands at his sides, frowning as he looked on, and softly said, "Put down the sword first."

"If you've done it, own up to it, no begging for mercy," Chen Ji shook his head, his grip on the sword tightening further.

Leopard can't change its spots.

A dog will always return to its vomit.

His lips curled into a sinister smile, his voice like a death-summoning demon, "Officer Shen, be more careful in your next life."

As his words fell, the silver light reappeared.

The cold longsword was raised high, its heavy cleaving motion terrified everyone watching, nearly knocking the breath out of them.

"Still got tricks up your sleeve, huh?"

Shen Yi raised an eyebrow, finally placing his hand on his sword, but he didn't draw the blade; he simply held the scabbard.

Then casually, he struck out with it.

The pitch-black scabbard ingeniously bypassed the silver light; before it chopped down, it lightly landed on Chen Ji's shoulder.

The next moment, Chen Ji's pupils shook violently, his mind went blank, as if he encountered some incomprehensible bizarre situation.

His entire body suddenly sank, his knees bent, emitting a creaking noise—

The longsword fell from his hand, he knelt on one knee, breathing in disarray, his arms rigidly propped against the ground, veins bulging in his neck, exerting all his strength but unable to move an inch.

And the cause of all this was merely the scabbard pressing on his shoulder.

Chen Ji glared fiercely at the pair of official boots before him, glancing upward from the corner of his eye.

In his line of sight, Shen Yi still maintained his calm demeanor, his voice without a ripple, "I said, put down the sword first."