Chapter 29 What Are You_1

"You... you..."

The emaciated monk had likewise spoken with the youth in black and was well aware of the frightening background the latter possessed.

Even the group of foxes on the Northern Cliff, including the venerable Green Qilin mother, dared not provoke them easily, let alone a lone Jianghu martial master from Qingzhou like himself.

Bowing before them wasn't a disgrace.

The only thing he hadn't expected was that someone would dare not to bow?


Uncle Yin's facial features contorted as the flesh and blood he had previously swallowed, along with his saliva, were ejected together.

He forcibly stopped convulsing and scrambled to his feet, fury in his glaring eyes, the panting from his throat growing increasingly beast-like rather than human.


He opened his mouth, and a roar like a loud bell deafened the ears.