Chapter 40 Four Harmonies True Gang_1

Baiyun County, West Street.

Shen Yi turned around and said to the few people, "Disperse now, go home and rest early."

For them, tonight was an unwarranted disaster.

Especially for Zhang Dahua, who had been swaggering around the county without any problems until he just started to restrain himself but ended up almost getting chopped by a colleague.

"Officer Shen, take care."

Chen Ji and the others said, clasping their hands in agreement.

Zhang the Butcher opened his mouth, intending to continue the topic from before.

"I didn't go easy, it's just that I rarely have the chance to spar with others, which led to some insights," Shen Yi said with a slight headache as he rubbed his forehead.

"That's more like it," muttered Zhang the Butcher, finally regaining some self-confidence.

After seeing off the people, Shen Yi leisurely walked towards his own little cottage.