Chapter 45 People from the Demon-suppression Bureau (Seeking Followers, Tuesday Seeking Followers)_1

Li Xinhan slowly reined in his expression.

Since his arrival in Baiyun County just a few days ago, he had recognized the putrid truth that the county was as foul as a cesspit.

The officials were in league with demons, causing chaos among the people, and certainly could not withstand close scrutiny.

Thus, he had formed quite a stereotypical impression of the local constables.

"Keep the noise down, first take him down, bring him back for a thorough interrogation, and be sure to find out the whereabouts of Lord Lin."


More than ten people quickly dispersed, subtly sealing off all the escape routes on the long street.

The old Liu, who was best at using hidden weapons, tossed away his sugar figurine stick and quietly approached the thatched side house.

The beggar followed closely behind, his palms hidden in his ripped sleeves, calloused and skilled in the art of grappling.