Chapter 48 Homesickness_1

This title was mentioned casually by a beggar.

Chen Ji and the others hadn't reacted yet.

Zhang the Butcher, however, had snapped out of his surprise and then pinched his big belly hard.

It wasn't a hallucination!

But why?!

Zhang the Butcher was not envious of his friends, he simply couldn't understand.

Although he wasn't particularly interested in court affairs.

The General of Qingzhou was on the same level as the leaders of the major sects, and with the Demon-suppression Bureau's exceptionally independent status in the martial world, they could be unchallenged in Qingzhou.

To ordinary martial practitioners, they seemed more like characters in the rumors and stories told by storytellers during leisure time to lighten the mood.

How could they suddenly have something to do with someone close to him.

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Old Liu furrowed his brows and glared at the beggar.