Chapter 50 Little Courtyard_1

In such times, those who lived far from towns tried their best to avoid attracting too much attention.

Only the carriages of the Demon-suppression Bureau had the confidence to travel the roads with empty carriages.

As time passed, many merchants banded together to follow behind, with some even sending their guards forward on horseback to offer dry food and meat.

"This reputation is much better than that of us lowly errand runners,"

Chen Ji, his arms full of food, had an excited look on his youthful face.

They had been traveling non-stop for nearly two days without rest.

The carriage slowly stopped under the towering city walls, where the arched gates bore the bold, iron characters "Qingzhou," exuding an imposing air.

Li Xinhan tossed his waist tag to the city guard and then dismounted to lead his horse by the reins.

Seeing this, Old Liu tried to suppress a laugh and said, "Seems like those few lashes last time provided a lasting lesson."