Chapter 52: Intercepting Veins and Capturing Dragons_1

After tidying up the table, Shen Yi saw that the little old lady wanted to bring up the matter of introducing a girl again.

He decisively found an excuse and turned back to his room.

There's an old saying that goes, "Set up a family and establish oneself," but he hadn't even found stable footing, let alone engaging in life-threatening work. He had no leisure to entertain such thoughts.

Once he had closed the door, he sat down by the bed.

Shen Yi put three Open Pulse Elixirs into his mouth, the tip of his tongue immediately tasted the rich and bitter flavor spreading out, as if he had bitten into a piece of Huanglian.

Fortunately, having the experience of swallowing raw and foul Beast Origin, this wasn't much in comparison.

Shen Yi's gaze was calm as he summoned the panel.

[Jade Liquid. Intercepting Veins and Capturing Dragons (not yet mastered)]

[Remaining demon lifespan: three hundred years]

These lifespans were originally reserved for emergencies.