Chapter 69 Bai Ziming and Fang Heng_1

Demon-suppression Bureau, Medical Ward.

About thirty or so lofts were arranged in sequence, and the coming and going Colonels all bore injuries.

A plain bamboo house squeezed inside stood out rather glaringly.

Occasionally, figures who stepped in were all draped in black cloaks, the symbol of a Colonel.

The robust young man was an exception; he didn't even wear uniform, just a simple short coat.

He held his right arm down and used his left hand to push open the small door.

He respectfully called out to the person inside, dressed in white and sitting behind a low table, "Brother Bai."

"Could you not come find me every day with such a gloomy face?"

The youth called Brother Bai had a face as fair as jade with two locks of hair hanging down; his pristine hands swiftly sorted through a tray of fragrant medicinal herbs.

Without lifting his eyes, he said indifferently, "Put your arm up here."

Fang Heng honestly sat down cross-legged and lifted his right arm onto the low table.