Chapter 71: Returning to Linjiang Prefecture_1

"What are the differences among the body refining methods?"

In the courtyard, Shen Yi strolled to aid his digestion, as was his habit.

"There are many differences. For example, the Vajra Gate refines the body with qi, and there's also the accumulation of food refinement, essence blood refinement…"

Zhang the Butcher had a deep understanding of these methods and went on effortlessly, "However, usually once one reaches the Jade Liquid Boundary, similar martial arts are rarely found. So most of them are martial arts of the Initial Realm."

"Why?" Shen Yi didn't quite understand.

He was of the opinion that they worked quite well for him, refining both the internal breath and the physical body simultaneously, wouldn't that mean overwhelming dominance over peers in the same realm?

"Because of lifespan."