Chapter 77: Does He Want to Eat Me?_1

Until flickering firelight illuminated the high cliff.

Hong Lei's face suddenly changed, but after seeing the cultivation levels of the group, a glimmer of suspicion flashed in his eyes.

Under the watchful gaze of all.

The thin old man with silver hair spilling over his shoulders slowly took a step forward.

Not a ripple disturbed his withered face.

So, he jumped straight down the cliff, his pants rolled up, his bamboo-pole like skinny legs ending in cloth shoes, landing firmly on the ground.

"Form up!"

Hong Lei's pupils shrank, and he drew his saber.

Without Zhao Kanglin's command, the more than twenty inner camp Golden Eagle Commandants efficiently took their positions, and as they turned their palms, black chains like giant pythons slithered out of their sleeves, exuding a chilling intent.

The rest from the outer camp each displayed their unique skills, especially the aged Jade Liquid Boundary Colonel who surprisingly produced a pair of crescent spikes.