Chapter 85: Skyprowler Yama Devours the Elemental External Elixir Technique_1

Atop Qingfeng Mountain, countless colonels stood guard.

A few demon hunters in plain clothes were sequentially inspecting the disciples of the Qingfeng Sect in front of them.

Among them was the one who had previously clung to Hong Lei's leg begging for help, and now his face was full of lingering fear as he underwent the inspection, showing no signs of resistance.

At the moment they were forced to draw their swords against the colonels, it was tantamount to attacking members of the Imperial Court, so retaining their lives was already a cause for celebration.

Although joining the Demon-suppression Bureau was somewhat abrupt, and from now on they had to follow its commands, becoming hounds of the Imperial Court, losing the freedom they once had atop Qingfeng Mountain, when they thought of the Ancestral Sword and Elder Nu Jian's resentfulness before death, the so-called "freedom" seemed not so important after all.