Chapter 88: Lined Up to Welcome_1

Qingzhou City.

At the majestic city gate, two rows of troops stood holding long spears, standing straight and tall.

Looking from afar, the broad and level official road outside the city gate was filled with hundreds of horsemen in black, approaching like dark, dense clouds, the sound of their hooves thundering.

Although the residents of Qingzhou City had seen a lot in their lives, they had seldom witnessed such a significant move by the Demon-suppression Bureau.

"So many?" Their eyes bulged as they crowded onto the long street.

"Pfft, this is nothing." A member of a minor family stood with arms folded, ridiculing the people for their lack of knowledge. Unlike the top forces, these middle-of-the-road existences would most likely join the Demon-suppression Bureau in the future, so they didn't share the same visceral reaction towards the annihilation of Qingfeng Mountain.

To them, both top-tier forces and the Demon-suppression Bureau were equally unattainable.