Chapter 98: The Past of Zhang the Butcher_1

In the quiet courtyard.

Shen Yi drew water from the well, wrung out the cloth, and walked over to the brutish man with his head drooping.

He looked at the other's anxious and baffled expression, as well as the comical ink on his face.

"Well, say what you will, it's quite convincing."

His lips slightly upturned, a mischievous glint passed through his clear eyes. After teasing the other person, he reached out to remove the pig's nose and ears from Zhang the Butcher's face and handed over the cloth, his voice gentle but reassuringly steady, "Clean yourself first."


Zhang the Butcher, with the Pig Demon decor removed, clenched the cloth, his rough face trembling.

Then, as if venting, he rubbed his face vigorously with the cloth, as if to scrub off a layer of skin.

Seeing this, Shen Yi turned and entered the house, "Now, start from the beginning and tell me everything, word by word."