Chapter 104: He's Always the Fastest in Getting Things Done_1


Qingzhou City, Great Shun Gathering.

Outside on the second floor, a small table was set with two cups of green tea.

Li Xinhan sat with a cold expression on his face, while Li Mujin stood behind him, the siblings both silently watching the opposite side.

The slender-faced, goateed middle-aged man held a slight smile, "You two needn't be so tense, I'm merely here following Young Master Kang Yun's instructions, to accompany him for a sit-down, that's all."


Li Xinhan sneered, his tone mocking, "In Qingzhou City, to go out with a Solidifying Pill Realm attendent, you rich kids are truly becoming more cowardly by the year."

"What's the rush? It's just a call to come out for a cup of tea."

Zhao Kangyun slightly raised an eyebrow and turned his head to look at the distant city wall.