Chapter 110 Pure Shen Yi_1


"Distinguished guests who have traveled all the way from Yushan Prefecture, I wonder if you are accustomed to your accommodations?"

Standing with hands clasped behind his back, Deng Jianyuan calmly looked at the three people in the courtyard, "If you are not used to it, why not stay at my place instead? It would allow me to extend you the proper hospitality."

Upon hearing this, Deng Mingxu, who had been silently complaining in his heart about the Patriarch's aloofness, which made Miss Lin Rou feel undervalued yesterday, thus affecting him as well, now had joy written all over his face.

At this moment, he was overjoyed.

The Patriarch was taking the initiative to help him with the marriage proposal!

Jiang Chengyun looked over in surprise and, after a moment, nodded, "Thank you for the hospitality."

Deng Jianyuan smiled and his gaze swept over the three people, not lingering on any of them.