Chapter 126 First Meeting with You Longtao_1

Returning to Tingyang County, they sought help from the local Demon-suppression Bureau and acquired over twenty horse carriages.

All were exceptional Demon Horses with astonishing stamina.

In just three days, they brought everyone to Tingyang City.

As the capital of a county, the city's scale was not much smaller than that of Qingzhou City, a sight of prosperity to behold.

Among the various structures, the most eye-catching was not the Prefectural Governor's office but the imposing and majestic Demon Suppressing General's Mansion.

A line of carriages approached.

The two Demon Suppressing Division Guard Colonels at the gate scanned coldly before their gazes softened slightly upon recognizing their own carriages.

Xiao Qiangwei stepped out of the carriage and stood firm.

Upon realizing it was her, the two Colonels' faces grew warmer, and they even took steps to greet her, "You've actually found time to visit, the General has missed you for a long time."