Chapter 133 The Sun Sets on the Peacock's Demise_1

The Sky Dome Sunslayer Bow, a Precious Tool that can pose a fatal threat to the Embrace Pill Realm Demon Monarchs.

All the monster hunters in Qingzhou have been busy until now, and among the information they had gathered, there were only seventeen Embrace Pill Realm Demon Monarchs.

In other words, near Qingzhou, the only Demons not fearing this bow were the Howling Moon Demon King and, perhaps, a mere twenty or so others who could withstand an arrow and still have a chance to survive.

Of course, that was on the premise that the bow was fully drawn.

With Yan Xingkong's cultivation, managing to draw the bow halfway was already an act that put his life on the line, and even so, it was enough to make everyone present change color.

The next moment, accompanied by the sky-piercing whine of the arrow, a white light transformed into a long rainbow streaking across the sky!
