Chapter 131 Peacock Valley_1

A gentle breeze brushed past the mountainside.

A figure suddenly appeared before the smooth rock wall.

Yan Xingkong dragged his numb right leg, clutching hard at his stomach, his entire face still twitching uncontrollably, and just after taking two steps, he spat out another mouthful of blood, "Pu."

He wiped the corner of his mouth, with a look of horror emerging in his eyes.

Back in Tingyang County, Yan Xingkong noticed among the pursuers a very young and unfamiliar face, presumably a demon catcher out on his first mission.

He guessed that the Demon-suppression Bureau thought he was still fooling around, and didn't take the matter seriously at all.

He had been pursued into demon territory, and yet the young man had actually followed.

It was then that Yan Xingkong decided to confront him, to remind the other party that this was a wholly different situation from before.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he showed himself, he was hit by a knee strike.