Chapter 141 Everything Else is the Same_1

A gentle breeze brushed through the mountain forest.

A tall figure in a dark robe merged with the night, standing quietly on a tree branch.

Shen Yi's expression was as usual, but a tinge of discomfort had arisen in his heart.

It wasn't due to bidding farewell to Xiao Qiangwei or the fact that he was leaving Qingzhou alone for the first time to slay demons; in fact, he quite enjoyed acting alone.

His gaze swept across the vast expanse of the forest.

As if he were surveying his own territory.

But now, he always felt that this domain of his had been intruded upon by something else, that innate displeasure was subtly affecting his mood.

"A mountain cannot house two tigers?"

Shen Yi collected his thoughts and found a reason for this odd sentiment.

He pushed the Breath Retention Technique to its limit and then exerted the Xiaoyao Riding the Wind Technique with all his might, his form once again dissipating into the forest breeze.