Chapter 159 Returning Home in Glory_1

The next morning dawned.

Chen Qiankun had temporarily reassigned the two Personal Adjutant Generals he had brought along to Shen Yi and lent out his mount as well, which was perfectly timed to get the other party acquainted with his future team.

After the group left Qingzhou City, he quickly made his way to the Commander-in-Chief's Mansion.

"I cannot fathom why, as the Demon-suppression Great General of Linjiang Prefecture appointed by me, when it comes to this inspection, he utterly disregards my opinion,"

Patriarch Chen seldom harbored anger on his face. As Qingzhou's oldest and most senior general, even the Commander-in-Chief of Qingzhou had to show him some respect.

Jiang Yuanhua rose to greet him and said with a shake of the head and light chuckle, "If he cannot deter a Fox Demon who has achieved Condensation Elixir Completion, what use would Shen Yi be in aiding you in overseeing Linjiang Prefecture?"

"General Jiang, spare me these excuses!"