Chapter 187_1

In the county town, the dense scent of blood filled the streets and alleys.

Due to the sheer size of Old Jiaolong's corpse and the hardness of its body that axes and chisels could not dent, not even Liu Yuquan, who had achieved Condensation Elixir Completion as a Personal Adjutant General, could budge even a single scale after making an attempt.

They had no choice but to request that General Chen take charge of dividing it into chunks the size of horse carriages before transporting them to the Prefectural City.

The terrifying disturbances that had previously emanated from the Yangchun River, coupled with the piercing dragon roars, made it seem as though the heavens were collapsing and the earth splitting even within the city, leaving the populace trembling in fear and secretly speculating that the lords of the Demon-suppression Bureau had angered the Dragon King of the river, and Linjiang Prefecture was going to be completely devoured!