Chapter 199: Immortal Sect Alliance, Cultivating the Yin God_1


Shen Yi had intended to set off directly.

Yet into the yard walked a tall figure.

The Li siblings had already harbored thoughts of leaving, and upon seeing Jiang Qiulan, they immediately bent over to pay their respects before turning to flee, not even noticing that Lady Jiang had changed into a black dress.

The children of noble families may not fear Generals, as most of the time, the latter are indistinguishable from a piece of wood.

But the stacked heads on the walls of Yushan Prefecture City served as a constant warning to all clans and sects.

"A'Qian Granny sent me to deliver the Breath Concealing Method to you."

Jiang Qiulan knocked on the door gently and only after receiving a response did she push the door open and walk in slowly.

"Thank you." Shen Yi took the martial arts technique from her hand.

"The Body Refining Method and elixir you mentioned earlier, I've had someone prepare them and send them to the address in the letter."