Chapter 205: Qingzhou's Foremost Primordial Wuji Grandmaster_1

The Yin God had lost its physical body, equivalent to a stranded ghost.

Without a place to reside, it could only await extinction.

There was a solution, that was, to break through the Divinity Transformation Realm, condenses the Incense Divine Body Dharmakaya as a substitute for the physical body.

But obviously, Jiang Yuanhua, who had lost Qingzhou, had also lost this capital.

Therefore, he had no way out.

"Go and fight with all your might," he said.

The Howling Moon Demon King smiled playfully and slowly stepped out of the county town.

Having dealt with him for so many years, it understood the person before it very well; no matter how arrogant it acted, his heart would only be thinking about how to hold down Qingzhou.

In comparison to this disposable edge county town, Qingzhou City was naturally of greater importance.

Provoking the opponent step by step was just to make Jiang Yuanhua completely let loose later on, to be more anxious and more ferocious!