Chapter 207: Nine Transformations of the Immortal Demon, Return to Qingzhou City_1

Combat among demons is the most brutal, relying mostly on brute strength and tough bodies to clash head-on, aside from the use of innate supernatural abilities.

The strong are strong, and the weak are weak—there is no rationale behind it.

And at this moment, in this desolate land.

Shen Yi stood atop Xiao Yue, throwing punch after punch, giving his adversary a true taste of life-and-death struggle.


Xiao Yue's retaliatory movements gradually became feeble; initially tearing Shen Yi's flesh, later the blows merely patted his arms weakly.

Until the Wolf Demon's head was smashed to pieces.

A famous Demon King, in this obscure place where even its name could not be shouted, suffocated underfoot and pummeled to death by fists.

All its calculations had come to naught.

Because the opponent hadn't spoken a word from the beginning to end.