Chapter 221 Leaving the Imperial City, Heading to Song State_1


After finally seeing hope, Zhang Xuan was unwilling to wait any longer.

He pulled Jiang He and pushed through the crowd towards the front.

"What are you doing!"

The people who had been waiting for a long time showed their discontent, but upon seeing the chilling profound armor on the man, they could only roll their eyes and said nothing more.

"Excuse me, excuse me."

Zhang Xuan nodded apologetically to the crowd and then stepped into the office.

Liu Kun had just put down his pen when he looked up to see Zhang Xuan's bitter face: "..."

He inwardly groaned.

Song State would beg for help from the Martial Temple almost every half a year, and every time they accumulated some merit to enter the Imperial City, they would bring up the demon calamity; he was already an old acquaintance.

"If you're here to report merits, get in line at the back..."