Chapter 230: Golden Body Dharma Identity, Deterring the Primordial_1


Songzhou City.

Yang Qianxiang meticulously arranged all matters and gave instructions to the various Demon-suppression Great Generals on how to calm the public's mind.

As a commander of a state, in terms of strength, he was nothing compared to Inspector Officer Shen, but when it came to these troublesome detailed affairs, he had quite a bit of experience.

After ensuring there were no oversights.

Yang Qianxiang mounted the Demon Horse and accompanied Officer Shen as they left Songzhou.

Logically, having made such a grave mistake, he should have been escorted back.

Fortunately, Officer Shen was lenient and had not scolded him with a single harsh word… though he hadn't said anything else either.

With the vigorous strength of the black-scaled dragon horse, it took less than ten days to travel from Songzhou to the Imperial City.

Meanwhile, as the two hurried on their way.

Inside the Martial Temple of the Imperial City, a rare guest had arrived.