Chapter 237: The First Ray of Divinity Transformation Golden Light_1

"What's happened to you?"

Compared to the other three, Wu Dao'an's brows were deeply furrowed as he quickly stepped forward.

He immediately noticed something was amiss with Shen Yi.

It was as if all his energy had been drained, and his spirit was utterly listless.

"I've been practicing the Golden Body Technique with the brother in the loft, and I'm a bit fatigued,"

Shen Yi said, shaking his head and passing over the Golden Wolf Jade Token.

Reminded by Wu Dao'an, the temple priests realized something was wrong, and upon hearing the young man's casual reply, their faces couldn't help but turn strange.

"You've already started on the Golden Body Technique?"

"Still fumbling through."

Shen Yi pondered for a moment; only by really engaging with this level did he understand its complexity.

He had used such an enormous lifespan of demons, merely to grasp the basics of the practice, learning how to digest the stray thoughts within the Incense Willpower.