Chapter 245 Battle with True Immortal Changqing_1

The spear tip tore through the sky, while the thick thunder plasma crackled.

It was like the rage of the heavens, a grand and intimidating spectacle that ordinary people dared not gaze upon directly.

Shen Yi silently watched, his eyes flickering with sharp light.

With the augmentation of the Golden Eagle Divine Ability, the entire spear's velocity slowed down several folds, yet even so, it caused his pupils to constrict slightly.

This was the very Primordial Martial Arts he had yearned for.

The scene before him had surpassed all the techniques he had seen before.

Whether it was Dual Polarity True Intent or anything else, they were merely simple uses of Qi, shaping it into form.

But what was unfolding before him was the actual harnessing of heavenly thunder with a mortal body.

Where did this thunder come from, and how could Qi manifest like this?

The azure robes fluttered while underneath, the crimson patterns of dragons and tigers slowly emerged on his body.