Chapter 259 Sibling Downfall_1


"Quite interesting."

Shen Yi watched quietly, a trace of surprise flitted across his eyes.

Even a Primordial Grandmaster appeared so frail before such a defense, without the slightest room for resistance.

If he could have one, in times of crisis, he would also have a place to hide.

He wondered if he could take this river of fire with him?

While he was pondering, a phoenix cry exploded in his ear, and a ferocious bird with wings spanning more than ten yards, formed from blazing true fire, swooped down from above!


Xiang Tianyan's voice was shrill as she held a long sword glowing with splendid light.

The scorching air swept across, forcing many Embrace Pill Realm cultivators to hurriedly dodge. Even as they bolstered their defenses, dark scorch marks appeared on their skin.


Shen Yi glanced casually at the fierce firebird, and the dazzling sword light contained within it.

He slightly raised his hand.