Chapter 261 He is a Good Man_1

Shen Yi closed his eyes to feel.

After putting away the Dragonflame Jade Ganoderma, the most concentrated essence in his heart had disappeared.

He made sure there was nothing else he missed.

This medicinal hut seemed to have been built solely to nurture the Dragonflame Jade Ganoderma.

Only then did he reach out to take the Spiritual Root, holding it in his palm to examine closely.

As expected from a treasure nurtured by heaven and earth, even after being plucked, it still appeared vibrant, like a wriggling living thing.

Covered all over with magma-like fluid.

However, Shen Yi, protected by the Cold Jade Xuan Silk Hand, could directly hold it in his hand without any harm.

"What a pity," he said.

Such an extremely yang object had nothing to do with evil spirits at all.

It was not compatible with him.

But Shen Yi was not too disappointed, for he had previously seen a bunch of cultivators trading treasures at the Eight Directions Food Pavilion.