Chapter 274 What a Useless Treasure_1

"That's good."

Shen Yi sheathed his sword formation, looking ahead, "And this bamboo forest?"

Speaking of the bamboo forest, A'Qing's face once again showed a trace of excitement, "This is definitely not an array that a mere artifact refiner could construct. Its nature is completely different from the overall structure of the cave, it must have been the work of a real master."

After finishing, he took out the map he had found on the ground earlier, "Mysterious Light Cave has speculated more than seventy routes; it seems as though a path to life is hidden within. But by the time they have all been tried, the seventy will have turned into hundreds, or even thousands of paths."

"It is this master's deliberate flaw, playing with those who trespass."

"Once one believes in this path, I'm afraid even a striver from the Divinity Transformation Realm might fall within."

"So that's how it is."

Shen Yi felt an itch in his brain and could only nod noncommittally.