Chapter 280 Li Huo Fen Xin Zhang_1

One step closer to the Li Hua Divine Realm.

The pressure in Shen Yi's heart finally eased somewhat.

As long as he could break through to the Divinity Transformation Realm and combine it with his Golden Body, he alone would be able to control two battlefields at once. When combined, he could also challenge demons of even higher cultivation levels.

"Congratulations to my lord for his significant advancement in cultivation! The day when you will awe all directions is just around the corner!" Lady Qinghua timely offered her congratulations.


Shen Yi glanced at her speechlessly.

He finally understood.

Every time he got a little carried away, this woman would jump out and douse him with a bucket of cold water.

A cultivation level like the Primordial Middle Realm would certainly dominate in other places, but when dealing with powers like Wutong Mountain and the Thousand Demon Cave, it was utterly insufficient.