Chapter 291 I Also Have a Heaven-Ascending Path_1


A'Qing, due to her low cultivation, was unable to discern anything significant.

However, Xu Wanyun was already the ultimate Primordial Realm cultivator, belonging to the group closest to the Deification Transcendent Realm.

In her eyes, the strange old monster that suddenly swept out was exuding an eerie presence from all over.

The aura revealed by the adversary was clearly still at the level of the ultimate Primordial Realm.

But the vines attached to his body seemed to be integrated with the entire mountain range, allowing him to step into a higher level in a way that was incomprehensible to others.

It might seem to be only a step away, but in reality, it was vastly different.

How could there be such a state of Deification Transcendent Realm?

At this moment, upon the Decaying Elder's first move, Xu Wanyun felt an immense pressure, a sense of helplessness from being completely overpowered in terms of cultivation and realm.

That was just her as a bystander.